10 Tips For Managing Your Social Media Presence

May 8, 2023
David Alexander
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3 mins

Daunted by the prospect of managing your business's social media presence? Learn to manage your business's social media presence like a true champ in 10 simple steps.

Building the foundations of a winning social media presence

Social media is a powerful tool to build your brand and connect with your customers (duh). However, it can also be a time-sucking, energy-sapping, soulless black hole of frustration and despair.


Here are 10 quick tips to help you manage your business's social media presence like a pro.

1_Start with a plan

First things first, take a moment to define your social media goals, target audience, analyse your competition and determine your content strategy.

This is not the time to reinvent the wheel. There are a ton of useful templates available online to help get you started – check out Hootsuite’s template to help get things moving.

2_Consistency is key

Your social media presence should be like a fine wine, mature parmesan or Paul Rudd: getting better with age. Post consistently and at the right times to maximize engagement. What are the right times? 09:17, 11:47 and 21:01 precisely.

Just kidding. Don’t be fooled by the online waffle – your peak posting time will depend entirely on your chosen platform, product and target audience. The only way to find out. Test.

3_Keep it real

Your customers want to connect with the real you. Share behind-the-scenes photos, employee stories, and anecdotes to humanize your brand.

4_Listen to your customers

Social media is a two-way street, so listen to your customers' feedback and respond in a timely and authentic manner (immediately). Engagement is proven to be one of the leading factors in increasing the reach of your posts – especially on platforms such as LinkedIn.

5_Use quality visual content

A high-quality image does not have to be snapped by a pro with a ludicrously expensive camera rig. Creating eye-catching visuals is as easy as grabbing the latest IOS or Android device and snapping away.

6_Don't put all your social media eggs in one basket

A TikTok account might be ideal for some, but useless for others. Experiment with different platforms and types of content to see what works best for your audience.

7_Engage with influencers

Influencer marketing is a powerful way to reach new audiences and build brand awareness. Partner with influencers who align with your brand values and have a following that matches your target audience.

8_Measure your success

Don't guess whether your social media strategy is working. Use analytics tools to track your engagement, reach, and conversions.

9_Be authentic

Your social media presence should be an extension of your brand values and personality. Don't try to be something you're not or jump on the latest trend just because it's popular.


Take it from us – if you take yourself too seriously and labour over every post, you will progress far slower than had you just taken a punt and tried something new. You’ll get a feel for the style of content that hits the right notes far quicker if you experiment in the early days.

To sum it all up

There you have it, 10 rapid-fire tips for managing your business's social media presence.

Remember, social media is a marathon, not a sprint, so stay consistent, be authentic, and have fun with it.

Need help managing your socials? We’ve got your number.

Actually, we don’t - that would be creepy – so go ahead and feel free to drop us a line for a chat.

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