5 Rookie Content Writing Mistakes and How to Fix Them

May 8, 2023
David Alexander
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3 mins

They happen to the best of us, don't let rookie errors blow your message. Words are your currency, and you want to make sure they're working as hard as possible. Today, we’ll be covering 5 common content writing mistakes and how you can fix them.

Mistake #1: Not understanding your audience

The first mistake that many aspiring writers make is not understanding their audience.

You can't write compelling copy if you don't know who you're writing it for. So, you need to research your target market. Understand their pain points or what they're looking to gain.

Fix: Before you start writing, take some time to create buyer personas.

These are fictional characters that represent your ideal customers. By creating these personas, you'll have a better understanding of what your audience is looking for.

Use this knowledge to write killer copy that resonates with your target market.

Mistake #2: Focusing on features over benefits

The second mistake is not focusing on the benefits of your product or service. Many copywriters make the mistake of only talking about features, but features don't sell. Benefits do.

Fix: When writing copy, focus on the benefits that your product or service offers.

Explain how it will make your customer's life easier, better, or more enjoyable. Explain how it will solve their problems and make them happier. When you focus on benefits, you'll create more compelling copy that motivates your audience to act.

Mistake #3: Being too clever

It's great to have a creative and unique writing style, but not at the expense of clarity. If your writing is too obscure, your audience won't understand what you're trying to say, and your message could be lost in translation.

Fix: When writing, focus on clarity and simplicity.

Use plain language and avoid jargon. Write like you're talking to a friend, family (or even your cat) Okay, maybe not the last one, but the message we’re trying to get across is simple: if your audience can't understand what you're saying, they won't buy what you're selling.

Mistake #4: Not having a strong call to action

Our penultimate mistake is not having a strong call to action. Great copy should motivate your audience to take action, whether that's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a free resource.

If you don't tell your audience what you want them to do, more often than not, they won't do it.

Fix: Use clear, concise language that tells your audience what they need to do next.

Use action verbs and create a sense of urgency. Make it easy for your audience to act by providing clear instructions and a simple process.

Mistake #5: Not proofreading

The fifth, final and most commonly committed rookie copywriting error is failing to proofread.

Nothing undermines your credibility more than a piece of writing filled with typos and grammatical errors. If you can't take the time to review your copy, how can you be trusted to provide quality products or services?

Fix: Always proofread your copy before publishing it.

Read it out loud and use spell-checking software (and no, we don’t just mean hitting the review button on Word Editor, you can do much, much better than that). Better still, have someone else read it before publishing. You want to make sure that your writing is error-free and polished.

Pro tip: The first thing you wrote should be the last thing that you check.

To sum it all up

By understanding your audience, focusing on benefits, being clear and concise, including a strong call to action, and proofreading your work, you'll build the essential foundations for copy that resonates with your audience and motivates them to act.

Need help producing clinical copy? We know a guy who knows a guy. Let’s chat.

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