TikTok Updates: Q2 2023

May 8, 2023
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TikTok doubles down on educational content with the introduction of the new STEM feed, whilst creators rejoice with the launch of Series, a new way to share stories, talents and creativity as premium content.

"Science B*tch!" (...and math, tech and engineering)

To empower content-led education, TikTok have announced the STEM feed - a new viewing experience that will users a dedicated space to explore a wide range of inspiring, entertaining, and enriching videos related to science, technology, engineering and math.

STEM-related hashtags have received over 110 billion views to date, suggesting why the video behemoth is investing so much into the new feed.

Common Sense Networks will assess all content to ensure it's appropriate for the STEM feed, and Poynter will assess the reliability of the information presented. If content does not pass both checkpoints, it will not be eligible for the feed.

Monetizing content through 'Series.'

The introduction of Series enables eligible creators to post Collections of premium content behind a paywall which viewers can purchase for access.

One Series can include up to 80 videos, each up to 20 minutes long, giving people a new, longer format to watch their favourite creators and content.

Creators can select how much their Series should cost that best reflects the value of their exclusive content, which can be purchased for access via direct in-video links or through a creator’s profile.

Through Series, creators can build even stronger relationships with their viewers while also giving viewers another way to support creators.

It's about time if you ask us!

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